IT Automation is the Practice of Using Software to Schedule, Initiate, Run and Manage Tasks Related to Business Processes and Transactions.
Automation gives you the agility, speed, visibility and scalability needed to respond to the constantly changing technology landscape.
Condorgreen has been involved in Automation, Specifically CA Atomic since 2005. We started with Appworx which in-turn became UC4 and eventually CA Atomic.
Our Team has created and optimized batches in Retail and Telecoms.
Below are are some of our Automation Projects;
Migrate batch processes from CA D-Series to CA Automic.
Replaced ETL process (Telco) written in Perl to CA Automic.
Automated the Oracle DBA’s password refresh process using CA Automic.
Automate the process of gathering information to generate operational dashboards for Mediation Team.
Designed and built High Availability environment for Automic, both application and database.
Migrate various applications batch processes from Appworx and Automic V10 to Automic V12.
Replaced various file based trigger automation with event based automation.
Automated various business processes at a top South African Retailers within and across various business units.
Replaced ETL process (Telco) written in Perl to CA Automic.
Automated the Oracle DBA’s password refresh process using CA Automic.
Automate the process of gathering information to generate operational dashboards for Mediation Team.
Designed and built High Availability environment for Automic, both application and database.
Migrate various applications batch processes from Appworx and Automic V10 to Automic V12.
Replaced various file based trigger automation with event based automation.
Automated various business processes at a top South African Retailers within and across various business units.
Automation Services
CA Automic, formerly UC4 Automic is the Automation solution that we specialize in. Our team can provide a high level of Automic technical and business expertise, include the following;
- Installation, configuration, migrations, and upgrades
- Application integration solutions
- Creation or improvement of batch automation (nightly, monthly, etc.)
- System upgrades to support AE, OS, or Applications updates
- Analysis and documentation of the current state of your automation environment
- Health check of Automic Workload Automation implementation identifying potential improvements, best practices, etc.
- Movement of servers or reconfiguration of Masters, Agents, or database repositories
- Customized training classes tailored to your requirements
- Build and Automate workflows
- Trigger workflows based on email events, file transfers, database modifications, and more.
- Improve service levels and operational efficiency with intelligent resource allocation.
- Accelerate DevOps with revision tracking, audit trails, and self-documenting workflows.
Where To Find Us.